turning a delicious fresh milk, into a colourful brand.

concept creation
product development
communication & campagne
Long story short
We worked closely with farmers Bart & Marijke to create a strategy, name, label and branding for their fresh milk products.

The process from naming the brand Oh!Lait to designing the labels and creating a fresh look&feel resulted in a modern milk brand that can compete with the dairy(free) brands of today.

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'Straight from the cow'
Based on the eartags of cows, we created labels for each milk product. From regular milk to barista milk, yoghurt and latte’s. This unique shape and colourful design, makes the milk bottles unique and highly recognisable in shelve.

Bold and joyful black typography on mainly white backgrounds subtly refers to the visual appearance of cows. A range of colourful tags adds a fun layer to the brand.

Available at he farm, your local coffee shop and in selected stores.
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