Welcome to Villa Bonnie!

May we introduce you to this beautiful, renovated cottage boutique hotel, which is not only Knokke’s newest hotspot.
But also, the very first hotel project we fully covered from start to finish.

Villa Bonnie, only 400 meters away from the seaside and with its 14 nostalgic and luxury rooms, gave us the opportunity to highlight the glorious vibe of our Belgian coast, with a contemporary twist. Making it a cozy, romantic and exciting project for our designers.

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Creating an ambient atmosphere.
We used warm and structured materials such as: burgundy colors, wooden paneling, creating accents with (floor)tiles, vintage furniture and all the nostalgic items to make every guest feel comfy, welcome, and ready for a relaxing time at Duinbergen (Knokke). Creating a suitable brand and visual language was literally the icing on the cake. The hard work paid off after a renovation project of 8 months.

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